How much does it cost to remodel a bathroom?

   How much does it cost to remodel a bathroom?

Are you amazed at how high the estimate you received was?  Are you frustrated with the lack of transparency in the construction industry?  Most “home improvement and remodeling” companies would never discuss price over the phone.  For some companies it is because that prospective client has to be exposed to a high pressure sales pitch in order for the salesperson to close a bathroom remodel deal. 

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How To Remodel Your Home For Retirement

How To Remodel Your Home For Retirement

As we move through our lives our circumstances and needs change, and with that so does what we want and need from our homes. Does this mean that at every stage of your life you need a different home? No, but it does mean that periodic modifications of your home will allow it to stay as well suited to your life as possible and allow you to fully enjoy the home that you love for years to come. There are many improvements that can be made now and in the future as your needs change.

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