Are You Ready for New Windows and Doors? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Yes, replacing your old windows and doors is a great investment and is one of the most frequently overlooked home improvement project. According to the Cost vs. Value report from Remodeling Magazine, vinyl window replacement will give you a 95.2% return on your investment and wood replacement windows will give you 80.2% return.  Replacement fiberglass entry doors are 119.1% return. Try to get that in the stock market!  Along with being a great investment, replacing your windows can actually save you money not just monthly but year-after-year. Replacing old windows with new efficient windows can decrease your energy bill up to 40% and if you live in central Massachusetts where energy sources are expensive you will appreciate new doors and replacement windows.. So, if you answer yes to any of the following questions investing in new vinyl replacement or wood replacement windows may not seem so bad now!

  • Are your windows single pane?
    They are probably older and not as energy efficient, single pane windows are quite common in older homes. Replacing them will be better in the winter for heating purposes as it will keep the heat in. During the summer when you are running your air conditioner it will be easier to cool the house and keep it cool. Replacing older single pane windows can result in a 40% decrease in your energy bill.

  • Have you noticed any condensation between your window panes?
    If you find condensation between the two layers of glass in an insulated window, the airtight seal has probably been broken and the glass will need to be replaced. If the seal is broken in a window and there is moisture you have to watch out for mold. Mold is serious and can be harmful to your family, potentially even making them sick.

  • Can you clearly hear noise from outdoors such as traffic or children playing?
    You can reduce the noise by installing a double or triple pane window. You can also look into a laminated glass window which is used in many music studios to soundproof them. These types of windows will greatly reduce the noise transmission into your home.

  • Are you having difficulty opening and closing existing windows?
    Windows have devices such as springs under tension or weights in really old windows to make it easier to open and close them. It’s has been known for the devices to fail in as little as five years with lower quality windows, making the windows impossible to open and close.

  • Can you feel a draft near your windows or entrance doors?
    The gaskets and weather stripping can be worn out. If this is the case, then to stop the draft completely it requires a new energy efficient window or door. Energy efficient replacement windows and doors are rated with a U-value. A U-factor is a measurement of the rate of non-solar heat flow through a window or skylight. The lower the U number, the better the insulation of the window or door. With windows you need to make sure that the entire window is rated with the U-value not just the glazing of the window. The U-factor is best obtained from the NFRC (National Fenestration Rating Council) labels on the window.

As you can see there are many reasons and also many benefits to replacing your old windows or entry doors. These benefits include reduction in noise, add curb appeal, increase home value, can be maintenance free, add more natural lighting to your home and most important being energy efficient. We have provided the following links below where you can do more research on your own.

One of the most popular building companies that CORE Remodeling Services uses, supplies energy star windows: Harvey Windows. After researching the best replacement window or door replacement whether it’s a Harvey, Anderson, Therma-Tru, Pella, Provia or any other quality replacement window it’s then time to find a reputable and reliable window replacement or door replacement contractor for the job. CORE Remodeling Services of central Worcester Massachusetts, is a reliable, experienced window and door replacement company with a great reputation! Check out our reviews.

CORE Remodeling Services works hard to be known as a reputable and honest company working in Worcester County and Metro West, Massachusetts. If you would like to talk to us in person about your project, call CORE at 1-888-959-CORE (2673), and we’ll be happy to speak with you and provide you with a personalized consultation. We specialize in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, attics, decks, and window and door replacements. Contact us today to plan your next home improvement or remodeling project!